a wpman worker got stressed because of workplace discrimination

Workplace discrimination is quite common. This is very worrying considering the impact is very bad for employee welfare. Therefore, Loker Bali will share the most common forms of employment discrimination. Check out the explanation down below!

What is discrimination?

Discrimination is the attitudes and actions toward another group based on differences in characteristics such as ethnicity, gender, age, social status, and many others. Discrimination does not look at the place so it can occur anywhere, one of which is workplace discrimination. Discriminatory behavior may not be seen in verbal behavior. In most cases, most discrimination is nonverbal.

What makes discrimination different from harassment?

Discrimination is a sort of harassment. Harassment can take many forms, including inappropriate behavior by a coworker, manager, client, or anyone else in the workplace based on race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), nationality, age, disability, or genetic information.

Read more: 9 Signs of A Toxic Workplace: Here Are Tips to Handle It

What are types of workplace discrimination?

a woman wearing a grey suit holding files get scolded by her manager is one of the workplace discrimination

Tasks are distributed unevenly

When you are given a job duty that is less important than that of your coworkers, don't be overly proud at first because this could be an indication of discrimination. This could mean that your boss undervalues your abilities.

Excluded from a group

If you've ever felt alone or excluded from a group, this is a sign of discrimination in the workplace. Nonverbal discrimination practices can also be indicated by behaviors such as how they speak and gazes.

Limits on work position

The meaning of the following workplace discrimination indications is a restriction that only certain persons in the firm can take particular roles. For example, in terms of employment positions, women can only hold the post of secretary, whereas men can only hold the position of director.

Struggle to speak up

This may occur if the majority of your coworkers are men. For example, suppose you're in a meeting and you're a woman in the minority who isn't allowed to speak because you believe your viewpoint is unimportant. Discrimination can also be caused by a lack of diversity in the workplace.

Unusual questions during the interview session

You are asked questions that should not be asked during the interview for this symptom of employment discrimination. For instance, "Which college graduate did you come from before?" or "Which area did you come from?".

Read more: 10 Work Ethic Skills That You Must Have in 2022

The Most 5 Common Types of Workplace Discrimination

a woman wearing black suit and two her coworkers behind her is one of the type of workplace discrimination

Age Discrimination

Age discrimination can occur when there is a significant age gap between coworkers or superiors. For example, instead of being fired, elderly workers are assigned a weighty burden, which motivates them to resign. Age gaps might also cause misunderstandings.

Gender Discrimination

The most common form of discrimination in the workplace is gender discrimination. This discrimination often happens without us knowing it. For example, women workers feel the need to prove themselves more than men, men receive more praise than women, female workers earn lower incomes than men, and so on.

Ethnicity, Religion, Race, and Inter-group Relations Discrimination

Workers who belong to ethnic, racial, or religious minorities are more likely to face this type of discrimination. The most common example is when employees are denied religious leave. Stereotypes associated with a certain tribe, race, or religion are another example. If this happens to you at work, be cautious!

Disability Discrimination

This form of discrimination causes people with disabilities to find it difficult to get a job. Some companies do not provide accommodations or facilities for people with disability. People with disabilities are bullied and treated unfairly because of their limitations.

Politic Discrimination

Even in the workplace, differences in political ideas are a hot topic to discuss. Workplace discrimination might be triggered by political differences. Workers who are not politically minded will be threatened with termination.

Those are lists of the most common types of workplace discrimination. Discrimination is something that does not have to happen. By browsing into Job Vacancies in Bali 2022, you won't lose out on the chance to find a job. Go to the Loker Bali right now!

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