
Digital Marketing School is a platform that provides updated material and competent teachers in their fields, so as to produce graduates who have skills that are in line with industry needs. Learners to have strategic thinking on organic channels and also paid marketing, able to do technical things and able to analyze results.

Digital Marketing School has 3 programs. Training Program designed based on Digital Experiential Learning to increase knowledge and skills at the same time; Global Business Platform-based Consulting Program to increase competitiveness in the digital era; and a Business Coaching Program that combines the Milton Ericksonian & Meta Coaching methodology to facilitate companies in improving performance and simultaneously carrying out Business Transformation.

A place for learning and career preparation that has produced 18,000+ talented digital talents from Bootcamp, Specialized Bootcamp, Online Video Course, and Digital Skill Fair graduates. Dibimbing.id provides the opportunity to learn from the best experts through an easy platform.

More than a year since its establishment, Dibimbing.id has fully supported and supported growth mindset owners to develop themselves to get their dream career. So far, being mentored has succeeded in making 80% of the students at Dibimbing.id successful in the world of work. It doesn't stop here, we continue to innovate and maintain our commitment to improving the quality of learning to help them get a better career.

Dapatkan Notifikasi Lowongan Pekerjaan Terbaru
Platform paling canggih dan ramah pengguna untuk peluang kerja di Bali.
Hubungi Kami
Pulau Komodo I No. 4, Dauh Puri Klod, Denpasar Barat, Bali, 80114, Indonesia
Setiap Hari 09.00 am - 17.00 pm
+62 813 37558751
Tautan Cepat
2021. Loker-Bali oleh SATUVISION
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