coworkers got scolded by their boss becaus of the bad professional networking in the workplace

Working in a toxic workplace indeed has a bad impact. It is very important to make sure that you are not only happy with your work but also comfortable with the environment and the people in it. Well, sometimes you don’t get the clues and are confused about what to do also how to handle it. So, here are the signs that your workplace is not ideal a.k.a toxic and Loker Bali will show how you can handle it.

What does a toxic workplace mean?

A toxic work environment is a working environment where employees find it difficult to work or progress due to a negative atmosphere. The negative mood is usually created by the company itself. People in a toxic workplace tend to feel disturbed which leads to mental health issues like stress, depression, and other interruptions that can affect their life.

What aspects create a toxic workplace?

Loker Bali has listed 7 critical aspects that differentiate a healthy and toxic workplace:

AspectsIf the workplace is healthyIf the workplace is toxic
FeelingsCommunicated, DiscussedActed out
CommunicationEncouraging, UnderstandingDefensive
Task accomplishmentLeft to the employeeSupervisors tend to impose it
Decision makingBased on the agreement including everyone's voicesOnly one-way communication, Top-down

How to deal with a toxic workplace?

a woman feeling burnout beacuse of the toxic workplace sitting on the cair at the office with her therapist

Here are 5 ways to deal with a toxic work environment that Loker Bali sum-up for you:

Think positive

The first step to try is to stay positive and try to improve the state of the toxic workplace. By thinking positively you can suppress personal sentiments towards your boss or coworkers so that the working environment conditions are conducive again.

Find humor in every work situation

Sometimes, laughter can melt the atmosphere so that the situation does not continue to stiffen it can have a good impact on mental health.

Find a new atmosphere or take a moment off

In order not to be saturated try to work outside the office so that the mind is relaxed and can find a way out and solutions to your problems.

Avoid talking about co-workers (gossiping)

You should avoid talking about fellow coworkers or superiors because this will actually make you uncomfortable and have prejudices that are not good for others.

Moving workplaces

The last step you should do if all the ways you have done to avoid a toxic work environment is to find a new job at another workplace but make sure before deciding to resign, you have been accepted at another workplace.

Get away from toxic people and find your dream job on Loker Bali

9 Signs of a Toxic Workplace

a woman is having a headache because her coworkers gossiping about her a toxic workplace

The office is a second home where you spend a lot of time. A toxic workplace can certainly affect your mood, productivity, and even mental health. Loker Bali summarizes 9 signs that tell your workplace is toxic:

  • Bad leadership
  • Leaves you burnout
  • No work-life balance
  • Demotivated coworkers
  • Gossipy behavior
  • Poor communication
  • Rapid employee turnover
  • No forward movement
  • Cliques behavior

Bad leadership

Terrible leadership can break employees’ motivation to work and caused them to escape in the future. It also can decrease productivity among the remaining employees of the organization.

Leaves you burnout

If you ever feel a lack of pleasure in your job or you’re not more belief in your ability to accomplish the tasks, then you definitely experience burnout at your work. A toxic workplace will make you start postponing work and missing deadlines.

No work-life balance

This is something really matters especially for employees. Work-life balance requires decreased work-related stress, and the beginning of stable work while continuing health and well-being–so the employees can focus more on their work and boost productivity.

Demotivated coworkers

A successful team needs support, collaboration, and strong teamwork. It’s difficult to build chemistry on any team when someone in the team is lack motivation. Demotivated coworkers in a toxic workplace will cause problems for the team and the whole company.

Gossipy behavior

It's the dream of every company that has staff who get along with each other. However, the bad part is the gossipy behavior in the workplace. Gossip at work can cause you to lose your productivity and increase insecurity among employees. If you become the victim then it can hurt your feelings and reputation at work.

Poor communication

Another sign of a toxic workplace is having poor communication between the people in it. The cause of poor communication is creating an unmotivated atmosphere to be productive. This can also impact how employees relate to clients and other potential customers.

Rapid employee turnover

If you see this sign at your workplace, then this is your red flag of working in a toxic workplace. Rapid employee turnover means if you see other employees quit over a certain period of time. High employee turnover is usually a characteristic of problems that need to be addressed.

No forward movement

If you noticed that there’s no forward movement for your career in the place you’re working now, then it’s another red flag that tells your workplace is toxic.

Cliques behavior

Sometimes employees create cliques at work. Cliques behavior causes employees to feel like they are less important or worthy than others inside the gang. This habit is bad for the company as it can lead to bullying among the employees and an unhealthy work environment.

I hope this article helps you to recognize the signs of a toxic workplace. Share this article with your friends and colleagues. Find more work tips on Loker Bali!

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