
Is it your friend's last day at work? Want to say goodbye but don't know what to say and are afraid of making a mistake? Stay calm and don't panic. Because in this article there are several ways to give a farewell speech to a friend at work. What are they? Check out the full article below!

a group of female employees doing a selca together at the office of the best digital agency in bali is one way to give a farewell speech to coworkers

Delivering in person

The first way you can give a farewell speech to a coworker is to say it in person. Don't hesitate to approach your coworker, whether you feel close to them or not, and convey your best wishes and prayers to them. By doing so, you are showing a professional attitude as a coworker. However, if it's not possible to meet in person, you can communicate via private chat or email.

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Gives a positive impression

When you want to give a farewell speech to your coworkers, create a comfortable atmosphere, and don't say anything sensitive to your coworkers. It's not uncommon for some of us to fail to deliver a goodbye message. So when we work together, we can share stories of prayer, gratitude, and kindness.

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Giving gifts

How to give a farewell speech to your next coworker is you can give a gift as a memento to your coworker. This will show your appreciation to your friend who will resign.

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Organizing a farewell event

The last thing you can do is organize a farewell event in the form of a small party. For example, you can organize a meal together after work with other coworkers. This allows you to give a farewell speech to your coworker in the right way.

Also read: 11 Reasons for Leaving Work That are Still Professional and Make Sense

employees from the best digital agency in bali give cake as a sign of farewell speech to coworkers

Are you still confused about what to say in your farewell message? Loker Bali has summarized some examples of farewell messages to your coworkers below!

Speech from coworkers

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Speech from superiors to team members

Also read: 7 Signs of Fake Job Vacancy You Need to Be Aware!

Speech from team members to superiors

Also read: 9 Things To Do As An Intern

Those are some ways and recommendations for giving a farewell speech to coworkers in the office. Hopefully, this article can help you in saying goodbye to your friend who is going to resign. Get more information about workplace tips and career tips at Loker Bali Blog. Visit our website now!

You want to apply for resignation from your job, but you're not sure how to give the best justifications for doing so while still upholding your professional reputation. The 11 reasons for leaving work that Loker Bali will list in this article will help you quit your job. Some of the causes are what? See the information below for more!

seorang wanita sedang membawa kardus berisi barang kantor miliknya dan berjalan menuju pintu keluar setelah berhasil memberikan alasan resign kerja yang tepat

Salary is incompatible

Another reason for leaving work is if the pay does not correspond to the required work. But if attempting to get a raise doesn't work, you can step back and search for better opportunities elsewhere. You may use this justification when requesting a job resignation if the current pay does not correspond to the duties assigned to you and salary advancement is not negotiable.

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Wishing to pursue further education

Not everyone is able to combine work and education. Some ultimately choose to leave their jobs in order to concentrate on getting good grades in college. A valid reason to leave your job is to pursue further education. Higher education is important for many people to pursue. A better career can be built through higher education as well.

Residence or domicile change

Resignation may also be motivated by a change in residence or address. For example, your family is relocating to Bandung while you continue to work in Bali. Ask your boss or HRD if working from home is an option before submitting your resignation letter. It would be best if you tried to keep working for the current business. If not, you can submit a resignation request citing a change of address.

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Health reasons

Health is the key to carrying out all activities including work. Poor health can decrease performance in the workplace. You may submit a resignation application if you have health issues that make it challenging or bothersome for you to work.

Poor work-life balance

Some businesses have unfavorable working hours and frequently require their staff to work past the overtime limit. The employee may become burned out as a result and decide to leave his position. If you're going to use it, the reason for resignation still appears professional and makes sense.

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A bad working environment

Each business has a unique culture and working environment. A productive workplace is one that encourages open communication in all directions, a comfortable working environment, and effective teamwork. However, if you believe that the workplace culture at the company is toxic, you can use this justification to submit a job resignation application.

Also read: 9 Tanda Lingkungan Kerja Toxic: Ini Tips Mengatasinya!

Deciding to start your own business

Starting your own business or company is the motivation behind quitting your next position. As soon as they had enough money, many workers made the decision to leave their jobs and launch their own businesses. If you have the desire to start your own business, this could be a reason for leaving job.

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Having a lack of development

Do you feel that you don't see any development in you when you work in the company now? Yes, it's possible that you've only been doing the same job for a short while and are unable to learn new skills. You can use this justification if you feel underdeveloped and need a new challenge.

Unclear career path

Another reason for leaving work from your current position is an unclear career path. For example, suppose you have worked for the same company for a long time and have consistently been given the same job without being promoted. You can specify this in your resignation letter if you feel this is the case and you want to move on to a position where you can pursue a clearer career path.

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Personal relationship commitment

Relationship commitments on a personal level can also be a cause for resignation. For example, you decided to concentrate on life, such as being a housewife, because you are married and have children. You cannot work and decide to prioritize your children's development at home and in your family. If so, you can give this excuse when you resign from your workplace

Career change

Your current job may not be in line with your educational background or interests, causing work performance to be less than optimal and often feel bored. The tip is to delay your resignation. You can take a few days off to relax and get rid of any boredom. If there is a chance to transfer to a department that interests you, you can also speak with the manager or HRD. However, if there is truly no other option, you may decide to resign for this reason.


So there you have it—11 reasons for leaving work, all of which are professional and should prove helpful to those of you who are struggling to come up with an explanation. Get other work tips that can support your future career success only at Loker Bali. Visit our website now!

Internships are work experiences completed by final-year students with the goal of applying theories learned in college to the world of work. As an intern, you will almost certainly be perplexed about what to do at first. So, what kinds of things can you do as an intern? Check out the article down below!

Why is it necessary to do an internship?

A woman wearing a brown T-shirt as an intern and a man wearing a gray polo shirt are both participating in the training process

Students must participate in an internship program to gain a better understanding of the professional world of work. Internships will allow students to learn about the working world and adapt to the work environment. The top 3 reasons why students should do an internship are as follows:

Become an employee of the company

In general, the weight of work assigned to permanent employees and interns is not the same. Interns are usually given some flexibility in their work. As an intern, you should not underestimate a job because if you put your heart and soul into it, the company will see your potential and promote you from the previous intern to a permanent employee.

Finding a work passion

Most of the students who have graduated from college are unsure of what job they want to pursue because they have not discovered their passion. Students will be able to learn and try new things through internships, allowing them to gradually discover the passion that best suits their interests.

Increase your networking opportunities

Internships are beneficial for future career success because they provide networking opportunities in addition to providing the experience. With a large network, you can get a lot of information, especially about work, such as job vacancies and other professional worlds.

Read more: When You Making Mistakes at Work, Here Are 13 Things to Do

9 Things to Do as an Intern

a male intern was in shock facing a computer screen wearing a gray polo shirt and his friend wearing a yellow shirt

Become a professional

You can become a professional intern by dressing neatly and decently when you arrive at the office. Some businesses set uniforms or dress codes on their employees. It would be nice to follow even the most minor rules, such as how you dress. If you work in a company that does not have uniform provisions, aka free, you must be more conscious of whether the clothes you wear are appropriate. Don't let yourself become the center of attention for other employees and the topic of conversation.

In addition to how you dress, you must arrive at the office on time. Don't come at will and not according to the schedule. This will threaten your reputation as an intern.

Become disciplined

Being disciplined is the next thing you can do as an intern. The first disciplinary attitude is concerned with meeting work deadlines. It would be preferable if you could complete the work before the deadline. This can be advantageous to you because you will be able to complete the task before the deadline. The second requirement is that you understand when it is appropriate to use your gadget. Except for very important or sudden purposes, it is not recommended to use gadgets during working hours.

Maintain your good manners.

Another mandatory requirement is to maintain good manners. It is quite simple to put into practice: smiles to people around, diligently greets other colleagues, and has good communication skills when speaking with superiors, coworkers, or clients. People will be happy to be friends with you if you are polite, and you will have a good image in the eyes of the company if you are polite.

Read more: These 11 Social Skills Can Help You Succeed at Work

Not shy to ask

If you are embarrassed to ask about work that you do not understand, you will always feel difficult and will never find a way out. By diligently asking questions, you will gain a wealth of knowledge and solutions to your problems. You can ask your coworkers or bosses. They will be delighted to answer your questions. Remember, no question is unimportant! So, if you're having trouble or are confused about something you're working on, ask.

Have initiatives

Don't sit around doing nothing if you have free time because the assigned task has been completed. Take the initiative by completing tasks outside of the job desk that has been assigned to you! You can inquire with your boss about a job you can assist with. By taking this step, the company will see you as an employee who deserves more trust and responsibility. Another proactive attitude is to contribute during meetings. If you are given the opportunity to speak, do not hesitate; use it to demonstrate that you are an engaged intern who is full of ideas.


The next thing you can do as an intern is socializing in order to expand your network. Because you have many friends at work, it will be possible for you to find a job or even start your own business in the future.

Read more: Check out 9 Ways to Improve Communication Skills at Work

Maintaining the quality of work

Even though you are still an intern, prioritizing quality is a responsibility that you must fulfill. Maintaining work quality can be accomplished by not rushing to complete tasks simply to receive compliments from superiors. Instead, you should diligently re-examine the work that has already been completed.

Participate in the company's activities

Being active in various company activities where you do internships, will be an opportunity for you to show the abilities you have. The activity could be a company anniversary event, a seminar, a training event, or something else. Your participation in the activities will be greatly appreciated by the company.

Have a strong desire to learn

When doing an internship, never lose your desire to learn. That is your opportunity to explore the knowledge of what you have learned in theory and what you want to learn. The more you can learn, the more skilled you will become in your field. The company will determine whether you have the potential to become a permanent employee due to a strong desire to learn and whether it is worthwhile to keep you.


Those were the 9 things you can do as an intern in a company. Are you looking for an internship place? Find the latest and most trusted internship vacancies in Bali, visit the Loker Bali website now!

Communication skills are essential in all aspects of life, including work. Communication skills are essential for supporting your work, such as when speaking with colleagues, bosses, or clients. This is why it is critical for you to master communication skills. So, here are 9 ways to improve your communication skills at work. Check it out!

What are the benefits of good communication skills?

people working at cafe enjoying delicious coffee to discuss communication skills in the workplace

When entering the workforce, not only social skills but also communication skills are required. For example, when building relationships with other employees or clients, you must be able to communicate effectively. Having good communication skills at work can also help you get promoted. Communication skills include not only speaking to others but also how you adjust your word choice and good language to the person you talk with.

Communication skills require you to not only be a good communicator but also a careful listener. You must be able to make people feel at ease when interacting with you in order to establish a harmonious working relationship.

Read more: 10 Work Ethic Skills That You Must Have in 2022

What are the advantages of effective workplace communication?

two men wearing blue shirt talking about communication skills at work

If you have good and effective communication skills, then you will find products that can support you in providing satisfactory results at work and building relationships with others. Good communication skills can also lead to understanding others that you are someone who is full of empathy and attention. Well, for more details, the following are some of the advantages of having good communication skills in the work environment:

Read more: These 11 Social Skills Can Help You Succeed at Work

9 Ways to Improve Communication Skills at Work

a woman laughing at her best friends because of communication skills at work

Correct word usage

Accurate word selection according to the context and topic of conversation can be one of the factors in the success of a message delivered to the communicant. The use of words is critical because using the wrong word that does not fit the context can lead to a jumbled focus in communication.

The tone and voice quality

When communicating with another person, it is critical to pay attention to the clarity of the sound as well as the appropriate intonation. The low sound quality that is difficult to hear will lead to misunderstandings in information delivery. This is extremely dangerous because it may send the wrong message to others, which should not be the case. Tone intonation should also be considered because if you deliver something carelessly, it will cause problems due to incorrect interpretations.

Pay attention to the time and place

Another important thing in improving communication skills at work is knowing the best time to deliver a message. For example, if you want to send a witty message to your coworkers, you must first pay attention to the situation, especially if you are in the middle of a meeting or other serious matters. You should also consider whether the person with whom you are joking is appropriate.

Read more: When You Making Mistakes at Work, Here Are 13 Things to Do

To the point

In the professional world, talking too long is not a good thing. Before you speak, concentrate on the keywords you want to deliver so that your message is direct and to the point. This will be more efficient and effective, as well as more considerate of time.

Proper body language

Good communication skills are required not only verbally but also nonverbally. Body language is one type of nonverbal communication. When a person speaks, their body language can express their emotions. We can tell what a person is feeling by watching their movements. Body language is very important in the workplace, such as sitting position, eye contact, and hand movements when conversing with others. Every gesture has a different meaning, so it is critical that you maintain a positive body language attitude.

Understand personality and background

Another important thing that you need to pay attention to in improving communication skills in understanding the person you talking with. By understanding their personality and background, communication will go more smoothly if you already know what the interlocutor's characteristics are. This method can assist you in developing a positive relationship with them.

Be a good listener

Communication skills include not only good speaking abilities but also good listening abilities. If you can listen well, you will be able to better understand the intentions of others. Furthermore, by hearing a lot, you will be able to provide useful feedback to the person you talk with. This can undoubtedly improve your relationship with them.


These are the 7 best ways to improve your workplace communication skills. Communication skills are very important in supporting someone's career; therefore, you can participate in career development training from the Loker Bali, which will undoubtedly be very useful for your future career development. Check out the training schedule today!

To be able to build a more successful career, we must first improve our social skills in the workplace. Social skills can help us maintain positive relationships with others, especially in the workplace. The more and better social skills we have, the easier it will be to achieve our career goals in the future. Loker Bali will explain everything below, so make sure to read until the end!

What does social skill mean?

coworkers happy together at work because of the execellent social skills

So, what exactly is social skill? Social skills are essentially communication skill that is used to interact with others both verbally and nonverbally. Social skills can help us communicate more effectively.

What makes social skills important?

coworkers meeting together at the meeting room wearing formal suit discussing about social skills at workplace

We must understand and apply social skills, particularly in the workplace, because they can aid in the process of effective and efficient communication with our coworkers, clients, and superiors. Apart from being on good terms professionally with others in the office, it can also help us in expanding our networking and participating in the company's successes.

11 Social Skills Employees Need to Have

employees gathering together talking about social skills at the meeting room in the office

Actively Listen

The next skill that can support success in your workplace is the ability to actively listen. Active listening skills are also required, in addition to good communication skills. So, active listening is how you listen to or pay attention to something while remaining focused on someone who you talking with. You can be certain that if you have this ability, others will feel at ease around you.


Flexible skills here mean being open to criticism and suggestions from others that are given to you. We may believe that our decisions are always the best, but criticism and suggestions from others are always necessary for becoming a better person. As a result, having this one social skill is essential in order to support future career success.

Relationship Management

Relationship management requires interpersonal communication skills that are good at maintaining relationships or building networking with others in the workplace. As a result, every employee from any background must master and implement this skill as effectively as possible.

Read more: 9 Ways to Build Professional Network

Conflict Resolution

This social skill is how you determine solutions that can solve existing conflicts. The most basic example is a disagreement between you and your coworkers. In this case, you obviously don't want to damage your relationship with your co-workers, so this is where conflict resolution skills are needed. You must be able to handle existing conflicts properly and appropriately.


This ability will allow you to more easily connect with those around you. You will have an easier time understanding the other person's feelings. Empathy can bring out a sense of concern for others and make us feel compassion for them. Examine the problem through the eyes of the person you talking with to make it easier to assist in the resolution.

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking can help you analyze things better. Critical thinking teaches you to be patient even during difficult times at work. Participate in discussion, brainstorming, or debate forums to gradually improve your critical thinking skills.


Who said negotiation skills aren't important? Specifically, mastering this skill will assist you in completing deals with other people, such as clients, or when negotiating salaries with HRD.

Read more: Never Say These 5 Words When Negotiating Salary!


You should know that self-assurance is essential in the workplace! You may be required to present something to a client or boss. You can master this skill by putting in a lot of practice time, such as when speaking in public or brainstorming with teammates.


Another important social skill to have is leadership. Having a leadership spirit allows you to inspire and motivate those around you. Leadership skills have a huge positive impact and can help employees advance to higher positions.


Employees with high ethical standards are always well-liked by their coworkers and superiors. With your positive attitude, ethics can help you expand your friendships. The positive values that ethical employees have are usually an honest, responsible, and disciplined attitude.

Read more: 10 Work Ethic Skills That You Must Have in 2022

That concludes our discussion of the 11 social skills that can help you succeed at work. In addition to the work tips about social skills mentioned above, there are a few more things you should know to help you advance in your career. More information is available on the Loker Bali website. Check out the tips right now!

Sometimes without realizing it, we are making mistakes at work several times. The mistakes produced usually range from minor to major. Well, most of us are at a loss as to what to do to deal with these mistakes. In this article, Loker Bali will discuss what are the common mistakes that commonly occur in the workplace and how to overcome them. Come on, let's look at it together!

a woman holding her head because making mistakes at work


Everyone will want to put up their best effort in order to get satisfactory results. However, we can unintentionally exhaust our energy to the point that we forget to give our bodies time to rest. Working excessively instead of providing satisfaction can actually make the stress which causes the performance to get worse and decrease. The thing you can do is work smart, which means knowing when to work and when to rest.

Lack of communication

Communication is essential in all aspects of life, especially when we work. Work will always flow smoothly if you communicate well with your teammates or supervisors at work. This will prevent miscommunication, which can lead to failures or misunderstandings among coworkers. The best thing you can do is update your supervisor or coworkers on your work progress on a frequent basis.

Read more: The 5 Most Common Types of Workplace Discrimination

Not controlling voice

When talking to coworkers or even our superiors, we sometimes make the mistake of accidentally elevating our voice tone. This is quite common because it is based on the fatigue factor of working all day or performing duties that drain the mind and energy, causing our mood to become irritated. If you did this, don't panic and apologize to them right away!

Not well-prepared

We occasionally make mistakes at work of failing to be prepared for a meeting. For example, if you don't keep track of your work progress, and when it's your turn to speak up you won't be able to express yourself correctly. This may appear insignificant, but it will have a big impact on your work professionally. Make it a habit to always be prepared before a meeting by writing down your progress and the struggles you have!

Not smiling

It's been said that a smile is a kind of worship. Although it is true that the mood cannot be lied to and that it is difficult to hide if we are not in a good mood. However, try to increase your smile at work, for example when greeting or chatting with your colleagues or bosses. With our warmful smile, we will be able to make people more comfortable being around us and we will always spread a positive aura.


Use your phone excessively

The second thing that can cause us making mistakes at work is to use our phones until we lose track of time. Actually, using our phones during work hours is permitted, but only when absolutely required. If you still have work to do, it is preferable to finish the work first rather than checking your phone every few minutes.

Not putting on the proper dress

It makes no difference whatsoever company you work for; dressed cleanly and professionally will help you project a more professional image. You will be seen as someone with a high attitude and worth. So it's important to think about the clothes you use while working. Even if your workplace does not have specific dress codes, it is always a good idea to pay care to your appearance by dressing cleanly and decently.

Playing games

You may be making mistakes at work by playing games during working hours. This mistake could occur because you have completed your duties for the day and have decided to spend your free time playing games. It would be preferable if you sifted through the work for the next day or week instead of playing games. Because seeing you playing games during work hours may trigger bad attitudes from those around you.

Not writing down things

Those of you who forget things easily will make a lot of blunders at work. It is not hard to set aside some time each day to write down anything important on a note that you can simply carry with you. This small detail will help you in remembering and updating projects, deadlines, and meeting schedules in the future. You'll be greatly helped if you do this one step, believe me!

Read more: 9 Tips to Building Trust in The Workplace


Protesting too much at work about job concerns will just make you look like you lack respect and self-esteem. People in our immediate vicinity who hear it will be uncomfortable and worried. Instead of focusing on the negative aspects of every assignment committed to you, try to be appreciative and seek the wisdom of every task entrusted to you.

Putting on multiple faces

The world of work is the real reality of life. You can meet people who have different characteristics. This is not the place to be if you want to create the drama by being a duplicitous person. People will have no respect for you. So, be your true self and befriend anyone without choosing.

Chit-chatting nonsense

Making mistakes at work can also come from small things like chit-chatting not at the appropriate time and place. In writing an email to a coworker or boss, you probably have a lot to say. Avoid this because it will make you appear less professional. Write a message that is less than 300 words long and to the point. Recipients will be happier as well because you respect their time and will read it.

Such are the mistakes in the workplace that are quite common to occur. Making mistakes at work is not the end of everything. The key is not to panic and admit the mistake by apologizing immediately. Want to know more work tips? Come on, visit the Bali Loker website here!

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