coworkers sitting together at the office to talk about communication skills

Communication skills are essential in all aspects of life, including work. Communication skills are essential for supporting your work, such as when speaking with colleagues, bosses, or clients. This is why it is critical for you to master communication skills. So, here are 9 ways to improve your communication skills at work. Check it out!

What are the benefits of good communication skills?

people working at cafe enjoying delicious coffee to discuss communication skills in the workplace

When entering the workforce, not only social skills but also communication skills are required. For example, when building relationships with other employees or clients, you must be able to communicate effectively. Having good communication skills at work can also help you get promoted. Communication skills include not only speaking to others but also how you adjust your word choice and good language to the person you talk with.

Communication skills require you to not only be a good communicator but also a careful listener. You must be able to make people feel at ease when interacting with you in order to establish a harmonious working relationship.

Read more: 10 Work Ethic Skills That You Must Have in 2022

What are the advantages of effective workplace communication?

two men wearing blue shirt talking about communication skills at work

If you have good and effective communication skills, then you will find products that can support you in providing satisfactory results at work and building relationships with others. Good communication skills can also lead to understanding others that you are someone who is full of empathy and attention. Well, for more details, the following are some of the advantages of having good communication skills in the work environment:

  • Building networking: The first advantage of having good communication skills is the ability to network with coworkers. Check out these tips for increasing networking at work!
  • Bring up trust: the second advantage is being able to bring up trust with the parties involved in supporting your work. For example, if you listen carefully to your coworkers and can offer advice from various perspectives, the interlocutor may believe in you.
  • Preventing the start of conflicts: The next benefit of having good communication skills is that it can help to prevent the occurrence of workplace conflicts. You will also find it easier to resolve conflicts with others.

Read more: These 11 Social Skills Can Help You Succeed at Work

9 Ways to Improve Communication Skills at Work

a woman laughing at her best friends because of communication skills at work

Correct word usage

Accurate word selection according to the context and topic of conversation can be one of the factors in the success of a message delivered to the communicant. The use of words is critical because using the wrong word that does not fit the context can lead to a jumbled focus in communication.

The tone and voice quality

When communicating with another person, it is critical to pay attention to the clarity of the sound as well as the appropriate intonation. The low sound quality that is difficult to hear will lead to misunderstandings in information delivery. This is extremely dangerous because it may send the wrong message to others, which should not be the case. Tone intonation should also be considered because if you deliver something carelessly, it will cause problems due to incorrect interpretations.

Pay attention to the time and place

Another important thing in improving communication skills at work is knowing the best time to deliver a message. For example, if you want to send a witty message to your coworkers, you must first pay attention to the situation, especially if you are in the middle of a meeting or other serious matters. You should also consider whether the person with whom you are joking is appropriate.

Read more: When You Making Mistakes at Work, Here Are 13 Things to Do

To the point

In the professional world, talking too long is not a good thing. Before you speak, concentrate on the keywords you want to deliver so that your message is direct and to the point. This will be more efficient and effective, as well as more considerate of time.

Proper body language

Good communication skills are required not only verbally but also nonverbally. Body language is one type of nonverbal communication. When a person speaks, their body language can express their emotions. We can tell what a person is feeling by watching their movements. Body language is very important in the workplace, such as sitting position, eye contact, and hand movements when conversing with others. Every gesture has a different meaning, so it is critical that you maintain a positive body language attitude.

Understand personality and background

Another important thing that you need to pay attention to in improving communication skills in understanding the person you talking with. By understanding their personality and background, communication will go more smoothly if you already know what the interlocutor's characteristics are. This method can assist you in developing a positive relationship with them.

Be a good listener

Communication skills include not only good speaking abilities but also good listening abilities. If you can listen well, you will be able to better understand the intentions of others. Furthermore, by hearing a lot, you will be able to provide useful feedback to the person you talk with. This can undoubtedly improve your relationship with them.


These are the 7 best ways to improve your workplace communication skills. Communication skills are very important in supporting someone's career; therefore, you can participate in career development training from the Loker Bali, which will undoubtedly be very useful for your future career development. Check out the training schedule today!

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