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Internships are work experiences completed by final-year students with the goal of applying theories learned in college to the world of work. As an intern, you will almost certainly be perplexed about what to do at first. So, what kinds of things can you do as an intern? Check out the article down below!

Why is it necessary to do an internship?

A woman wearing a brown T-shirt as an intern and a man wearing a gray polo shirt are both participating in the training process

Students must participate in an internship program to gain a better understanding of the professional world of work. Internships will allow students to learn about the working world and adapt to the work environment. The top 3 reasons why students should do an internship are as follows:

Become an employee of the company

In general, the weight of work assigned to permanent employees and interns is not the same. Interns are usually given some flexibility in their work. As an intern, you should not underestimate a job because if you put your heart and soul into it, the company will see your potential and promote you from the previous intern to a permanent employee.

Finding a work passion

Most of the students who have graduated from college are unsure of what job they want to pursue because they have not discovered their passion. Students will be able to learn and try new things through internships, allowing them to gradually discover the passion that best suits their interests.

Increase your networking opportunities

Internships are beneficial for future career success because they provide networking opportunities in addition to providing the experience. With a large network, you can get a lot of information, especially about work, such as job vacancies and other professional worlds.

Read more: When You Making Mistakes at Work, Here Are 13 Things to Do

9 Things to Do as an Intern

a male intern was in shock facing a computer screen wearing a gray polo shirt and his friend wearing a yellow shirt

Become a professional

You can become a professional intern by dressing neatly and decently when you arrive at the office. Some businesses set uniforms or dress codes on their employees. It would be nice to follow even the most minor rules, such as how you dress. If you work in a company that does not have uniform provisions, aka free, you must be more conscious of whether the clothes you wear are appropriate. Don't let yourself become the center of attention for other employees and the topic of conversation.

In addition to how you dress, you must arrive at the office on time. Don't come at will and not according to the schedule. This will threaten your reputation as an intern.

Become disciplined

Being disciplined is the next thing you can do as an intern. The first disciplinary attitude is concerned with meeting work deadlines. It would be preferable if you could complete the work before the deadline. This can be advantageous to you because you will be able to complete the task before the deadline. The second requirement is that you understand when it is appropriate to use your gadget. Except for very important or sudden purposes, it is not recommended to use gadgets during working hours.

Maintain your good manners.

Another mandatory requirement is to maintain good manners. It is quite simple to put into practice: smiles to people around, diligently greets other colleagues, and has good communication skills when speaking with superiors, coworkers, or clients. People will be happy to be friends with you if you are polite, and you will have a good image in the eyes of the company if you are polite.

Read more: These 11 Social Skills Can Help You Succeed at Work

Not shy to ask

If you are embarrassed to ask about work that you do not understand, you will always feel difficult and will never find a way out. By diligently asking questions, you will gain a wealth of knowledge and solutions to your problems. You can ask your coworkers or bosses. They will be delighted to answer your questions. Remember, no question is unimportant! So, if you're having trouble or are confused about something you're working on, ask.

Have initiatives

Don't sit around doing nothing if you have free time because the assigned task has been completed. Take the initiative by completing tasks outside of the job desk that has been assigned to you! You can inquire with your boss about a job you can assist with. By taking this step, the company will see you as an employee who deserves more trust and responsibility. Another proactive attitude is to contribute during meetings. If you are given the opportunity to speak, do not hesitate; use it to demonstrate that you are an engaged intern who is full of ideas.


The next thing you can do as an intern is socializing in order to expand your network. Because you have many friends at work, it will be possible for you to find a job or even start your own business in the future.

Read more: Check out 9 Ways to Improve Communication Skills at Work

Maintaining the quality of work

Even though you are still an intern, prioritizing quality is a responsibility that you must fulfill. Maintaining work quality can be accomplished by not rushing to complete tasks simply to receive compliments from superiors. Instead, you should diligently re-examine the work that has already been completed.

Participate in the company's activities

Being active in various company activities where you do internships, will be an opportunity for you to show the abilities you have. The activity could be a company anniversary event, a seminar, a training event, or something else. Your participation in the activities will be greatly appreciated by the company.

Have a strong desire to learn

When doing an internship, never lose your desire to learn. That is your opportunity to explore the knowledge of what you have learned in theory and what you want to learn. The more you can learn, the more skilled you will become in your field. The company will determine whether you have the potential to become a permanent employee due to a strong desire to learn and whether it is worthwhile to keep you.


Those were the 9 things you can do as an intern in a company. Are you looking for an internship place? Find the latest and most trusted internship vacancies in Bali, visit the Loker Bali website now!

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