seorang pria mengenakan jas biru dan kacamata sambil memegang sebuah bendera putih di meja kantornya sedang bingung untuk cari alasan resign kerja

You want to apply for resignation from your job, but you're not sure how to give the best justifications for doing so while still upholding your professional reputation. The 11 reasons for leaving work that Loker Bali will list in this article will help you quit your job. Some of the causes are what? See the information below for more!

seorang wanita sedang membawa kardus berisi barang kantor miliknya dan berjalan menuju pintu keluar setelah berhasil memberikan alasan resign kerja yang tepat

Salary is incompatible

Another reason for leaving work is if the pay does not correspond to the required work. But if attempting to get a raise doesn't work, you can step back and search for better opportunities elsewhere. You may use this justification when requesting a job resignation if the current pay does not correspond to the duties assigned to you and salary advancement is not negotiable.

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Wishing to pursue further education

Not everyone is able to combine work and education. Some ultimately choose to leave their jobs in order to concentrate on getting good grades in college. A valid reason to leave your job is to pursue further education. Higher education is important for many people to pursue. A better career can be built through higher education as well.

Residence or domicile change

Resignation may also be motivated by a change in residence or address. For example, your family is relocating to Bandung while you continue to work in Bali. Ask your boss or HRD if working from home is an option before submitting your resignation letter. It would be best if you tried to keep working for the current business. If not, you can submit a resignation request citing a change of address.

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Health reasons

Health is the key to carrying out all activities including work. Poor health can decrease performance in the workplace. You may submit a resignation application if you have health issues that make it challenging or bothersome for you to work.

Poor work-life balance

Some businesses have unfavorable working hours and frequently require their staff to work past the overtime limit. The employee may become burned out as a result and decide to leave his position. If you're going to use it, the reason for resignation still appears professional and makes sense.

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A bad working environment

Each business has a unique culture and working environment. A productive workplace is one that encourages open communication in all directions, a comfortable working environment, and effective teamwork. However, if you believe that the workplace culture at the company is toxic, you can use this justification to submit a job resignation application.

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Deciding to start your own business

Starting your own business or company is the motivation behind quitting your next position. As soon as they had enough money, many workers made the decision to leave their jobs and launch their own businesses. If you have the desire to start your own business, this could be a reason for leaving job.

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Having a lack of development

Do you feel that you don't see any development in you when you work in the company now? Yes, it's possible that you've only been doing the same job for a short while and are unable to learn new skills. You can use this justification if you feel underdeveloped and need a new challenge.

Unclear career path

Another reason for leaving work from your current position is an unclear career path. For example, suppose you have worked for the same company for a long time and have consistently been given the same job without being promoted. You can specify this in your resignation letter if you feel this is the case and you want to move on to a position where you can pursue a clearer career path.

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Personal relationship commitment

Relationship commitments on a personal level can also be a cause for resignation. For example, you decided to concentrate on life, such as being a housewife, because you are married and have children. You cannot work and decide to prioritize your children's development at home and in your family. If so, you can give this excuse when you resign from your workplace

Career change

Your current job may not be in line with your educational background or interests, causing work performance to be less than optimal and often feel bored. The tip is to delay your resignation. You can take a few days off to relax and get rid of any boredom. If there is a chance to transfer to a department that interests you, you can also speak with the manager or HRD. However, if there is truly no other option, you may decide to resign for this reason.


So there you have it—11 reasons for leaving work, all of which are professional and should prove helpful to those of you who are struggling to come up with an explanation. Get other work tips that can support your future career success only at Loker Bali. Visit our website now!

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